#eye #eye


Contextual Mumbling
June 2022
Role: Set Design, Production and Technology

Contextual mumbling created both a physical and a digital set design, overlapping the two worlds, where the performers were able to interact with both sides through the mobile phones and the screens. The live AR from the devices was mirrored on the installation’s screens.

Serena Coelho (1994, Brazil), ID, 2022 As part of a personal journey transitioning from male to a femme form, Serena Coelho’s work explores identity from a non-binary and non-Eurocentric perspective. The work was conceived during Coelho’s own transition and is deeply rooted in the complexity of breaking off former identity expression to give way to a new one, and their connection. The project is embedded in a hybrid body in transformation, fluidity and liquid form, which materialises into “liquid colour flow” prints, deconstructed body suits with printed messages, and 3D printed sculptures and hand-sculpted pieces in recycled plastic where heat is applied to shape the material into a new form.